$20k regional first homeowner grant extended until June 2021

$20k regional first homeowner grant extended until June 2021
Great news for first home buyers looking to purchase land in Ashbury – the State Government has extended its $20,000 regional first home owner grant (FHOG) until June 30, 2021!
According to RealEstate.com.au, the Greater Geelong area has been the most popular area for the grant since it was introduced in 2017.
Due to expire at the end of June this year, the regional FHOG has been extended in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Victorian State Treasurer, Tim Pallas, said: “We know the coronavirus pandemic is making it even tougher for young people to achieve their dreams of home ownership — that’s why we’re extending the grant which has helped so many regional Victorians.”
More than 8800 regional FHOGs have been provided since they were introduced, saving purchasers $176 million.
It’s just another terrific reason for you to enjoy the best in town and country living at Ashbury!
For more information about the FHOG for regional Victoria, visit: https://www.sro.vic.gov.au/regionalFAQs