Ashbury Community Fund proud to support Geelong Mums!

Ashbury Community Fund proud to support Geelong Mums!
For the past 4 years, Dennis Corporation has awarded grants totalling almost $100,000 to local community groups thanks to the annual Ashbury Community Fund.
Last year this included the not-for-profit Geelong Mums Association, which received a cheque for $1,500, which it put towards its highly successful Squeaky Clean Project.
We asked Geelong Mums’ Philanthropy Manager, Diana Khanon, for a quick update on how the Project is tracking and the results are truly impressive. In the last financial year alone, the Squeaky Clean Project has supported 3,966 babies and children and 1,850 families by providing:
- 5,766 Nappies, Wipes and Nappy bags!
- 62 Change Tables and Change Mats!
- 1,191 Baths and Children’s Toiletries packs!
- 1,038 Adult Toiletries packs!
- 359 Make a Mother's Day gift packs!
Every single one of these items provided financial relief, healthy hygiene and dignity for families, many from within the Armstrong Creek community, who might otherwise have gone without, and Diana is eternally grateful. “We could not do what we do for the community without local support.”
For information about the 2022 Ashbury Community Fund keep a lookout on our socials and website!